Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 95 - Random Wisdom

95 days and holding steady! This morning, I awoke refreshed with a sense of the Holy Spirit about me. I had a great day yesterday eating and fellowshipping with friends. There are days I worry about fundraising, but then I am reminded by God that it is in His hands. (I do want to take this opportunity to ask you to pray about how you might partner with me in ministry in Prague.)

In the past 12 hours, I have used the phrase "been there done that" at least 3 times, so I thought it would be fun to share some random wisdom from my years of experience. By no means is this the full extent of my wisdom, but it is some of the funny and helpful stuff...

1. Pizza cutters DO burn in the oven. Not only do they burn, they stink when they do! (Thanks Josh and Murray for this one!)

2. When the weatherman says there is a frost warning, it probably means it will be COLD outside. (DUH!)

3. Naps are a gift from God...DON'T waste them!

4. When in a foreign country, just eat the food...don't ask, "EW gross, what is that!" (see the blogs from January 2007).

5. Walk softly and carry a big stick. I used mine to defend myself from two Great Danes barreling down on me last year!

6. Even though you have the right of way, watch out for the driver on the cell phone! This one goes out to former mayor Pam...and her Lexus!

7. Live life to the fullest! Experience as much as you can and make lots of memories!

8. Laugh at yourself! (I do this one well because I give myself so many opportunities to practice it!) We all do silly things...LAUGH!

9. LOVE! Life is to short to be angry or bitter. This is one that I learn over andd over. In the end though, love is far greater and stronger than anger, hurt, pain, and bitterness! LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!

10. Keep Jesus close! He so wants to be the center of all you do and will give you all the goodness of God. He loves you far more than you know and desires a relationship with you! CLING TO HIM!

Well, it is time for me to begin my 95th day!

Lord, I praise your Name for You are good. Your love endures forever! May your wisdom be ever in my my heart and mind! AMEN!

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